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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Negative Effects Of Technology On The Brain Essay

Negative Effects of Technology On The Brain Over the years, technology has increased in usage within many ways and has caused successful changes in a person’s lively routine. However, technology has evolved since the very beginning which concern has grown over the negative effects of its excessive use. Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid† addresses the tendency of technology to create a sort of mental laziness where people look for instant answers rather than thinking for themselves. Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye have written in â€Å"Children, Wired: For Better and for Worse† on the transient and persistent effects of technology on children, particularly in terms of media exposure of television, movies, and video games. Additionally, Matt Richtel, writer for The New York Times, states in â€Å"Attached to Technology and Paying a Price† that the tendency of the brain to respond to immediate stimuli has a negative impact on the average user, ranging from disinterest to daily tasks to the risky behavior of texting and driving. Ultimately, these three articles agree that regardless of potential conveniences of heavy technology use, the tradeoff is something to be strongly considered. All three authors note the potential benefits of technology in terms of convenience and quality of life. However, when the big picture is considered and a mental laziness is acquired in consumers, distractions from important tasks including texting and driving, andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Technology On Teen s Brain Development1708 Words   |  7 Pagesforms of electronics. 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